Sunday, April 5, 2009

I love my kids, I love my kids!!!!!

Hello anyone who reads this. Maybe someone out there can please remind me that my teenager in all actuality will grow up to be a fine and wonderful person. I keep thinking that she could be worse, she could be doing drugs and alcohol. She could be doing things that I can't even imagine. She is a good kid, I am proud of her, she does well in school, and she can be counted on when needed. The trouble is she thinks she is above rules and guidelines. She feels that I am somehow beneath her and what I say doesn't matter and is subject to arguement. I will always argue but she trys to wear me down so I will give in. This doesn't work, what does work is that I can't hold a grudge nor do I remember that I told her she is grounded for the next ten years and not follow through with it. I know my weaknesses, my problem is I feel she is too old and should no better to take advantage of my weaknesses. When should kids quit taking advantage of their sleep deprived, over worked, can't remember crap parents?

Now (4) year old who lives to not listen to me was very brave friday. She had her cousin who is 2 come over and play. They played very well together which is unusual in itself. Well my niece rode with 4 year old and myself on the bus. Well my 4 is terrified of flys, so is my niece. There was a fly on the bus window and the niece flipped out. 4 y/o instead of freaking out too, she got tough and try to shoo it away, then eventually took off her shoe to try and kill it. I was so impressed that she put her fears aside to help her little cousin out.

Have a beautiful day!!!

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